Solar Water Heater Service & Repair Center

N K solar solutions - Customer Care
Thermal solar energy basically consists of harnessing the sun's energy to generate heat that can be used in the production of hot water for heating, or in sanitary use for consumption. A solar installation takes advantage of the sun's energy through a set of sensors placed on the roof of the building or another site free of shadows and facing south. The collectors heat a fluid that in turn heats the water that will be used to provide sanitary hot water, heating or cooling, which represents an economic saving, thus decreasing the use of fossil energy.
We are specialists in repair and maintenance of solar panels.
If what you need is a professional installation or repair of solar panels, dedicated and personalized with a quality treatment and lifelong follow-up, do not hesitate and contact us by phone and we will solve all your problems in the shortest possible time guaranteed.
Brands We Sales & Service :

Anu solar

Emvee Solarizer

Supreme solar

Nuetech solar

Bosch solar

Disol solar

Dheemanth solar

Bhel solar

Msil solar

Tata bp solar

Racold solar

Sabha solar

Surya solar

Rashmi solar

Technomax solar